Journal Papers
- T. Sobral, T. Galvão, J. Borges, 2021. Knowledge-assisted visualization of urban mobility flows using ontologies, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Special issue “Diversity in Transportation Systems for People and Goods”. doi: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3056228
- T. Fontes, R. Correia, J. Ribeiro, J. L. Borges 2021. A deep learning approach for predicting bus passenger demand based on weather conditions, Transport and Telecommunication, 21(4):255-264 (open access), doi: 10.2478/ttj.2020-0020.
- T. Sobral, T. Galvão, J. Borges, 2020. An ontology-based approach to Knowledge-assisted Integration and Visualization of Urban Mobility Data, Expert Systems With Applications 150:113260. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113260
- S. Santos, T. Galvão, T. Sobral, 2020. An approach for rapid generation of interactive spider maps for public transport networks, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities (open access). doi: 10.4108/eai.18-8-2020.166007
Conference Papers
- F. Murçós, T. Fontes, R. Rossetti, 2021. Are BERT embeddings able to infer travel patterns from Twitter efficiently using a unigram approach? IEEE International Smart Cities Conference 2021, 7-10/9/2021, virtual conference, accepted.
- J. Tavares, J. Ribeiro, T. Fontes, 2021. 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT), 8-10/9/2021, virtual conference, accepted.
- M. Torgal, T. Galvão Dias, T. Fontes, 2021. A multi-objective approach for DRT service using tabu search, Virtual 23rd Euro Working Group on Transportation (EWGT), 16-18/9/2020, Transportation Research Procedia 52:91-98, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2021.01.092
- J. Ribeiro, T. Fontes, C. Soares, J.L. Borges, 2021. Accessibility as an indicator to estimate social exclusion in public transport, Virtual 23rd Euro Working Group on Transportation (EWGT), 16-18/9/2020, Transportation Research Procedia 52:740-747 doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2021.01.019.
- B. Oliveira, A. G. Ramos, J. Pinho de Sousa, 2021. A generic mathematical formulation for two-echelon distribution systems based on mobile depots, Virtual 23rd Euro Working Group on Transportation (EWGT), 16-18/9/2020, Transport Research Procedia, 52:99-106, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2021.01.090.
- J. Hora, T. Galvao, A. Camanho, 2020. Estimating Aggregated Origin-Destination Matrices from Automatic Fare Collection, Virtual 23rd Euro Working Group on Transportation (EWGT), 16-18/9/2020,
- R. Correia, T. Fontes, J. L. Borges, 2020. Forecasting of urban public transport demand based on weather conditions, in “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Springer, E. G. Nathanail et al. (Eds.): Virtual 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility 2020 (CSUM), Advances in Mobility as Service Systems. Vol. 1278, pp. 1–10. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-61075-3_8
- J. Sousa, J. Freire de Sousa, T. Fontes, 2020. Desenho de um sistema de informação para gestão integrada de transportes públicos, Virtual 20th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Information Systems, Porto, 14-17/10/2020,
- R. Dias R., T. Fontes, T. Galvão, 2020. “Design of a Route-Planner for Urban Public Transport, Promoting Social Inclusion” In: Martins A., Ferreira J., Kocian A. (eds), Intelligent Transport Systems. From Research and Development to the Market Uptake (3th EAI Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems – INTSYS 2019), 4-6/12/2019, Guimarães, LNICST, 310:3-17, Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38822-5_1
- S. Santos, T. Galvão, T. Sobral, 2020. “Automatic generation of spider maps for providing public transports information” In: Martins A., Ferreira J., Kocian A. (eds), Intelligent Transport Systems. From Research and Development to the Market Uptake (3th EAI Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems – INTSYS 2019), 4-6/12/2019, Guimarães, LNICST, 310:131-149, Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3- 030-38822-5_9
- J. Hora, T. Galvão, A. Camanho. 2020. “Identifying Relevant Transfer-Connections from Entry-Only Automatic Fare Collection Data: The Case Study of Porto” In: Martins A., Ferreira J., Kocian A. (eds), Intelligent Transport Systems. From Research and Development to the Market Uptake (3th EAI Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems – INTSYS 2019), 4-6/12/2019, Guimarães, LNICST, 310:63-67, Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38822-5_5
- J. Ribeiro, T. Fontes, C. Soares, J. L. Borges, 2020. Process discovery on geolocation data. 22nd Euro Working Group on Transportation, 18-20/9/2019, Barcelona, Transportation Research Procedia 47:139-146. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.03.086
- B. Oliveira, A.G. Ramos, J. Pinho de Sousa, 2020. A classification of two-tier distribution systems based on mobile depots, 22nd Euro Working Group on Transportation, 18-20/9/2019, Barcelona, Transportation Research Procedia 47:115-122. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.03.075
- L. R. Guimarães, B. A. Prata, J. Pinho de Sousa, 2020. Models and algorithms for network design in urban freight distribution systems, 22nd Euro Working Group on Transportation, 18-20/09/2019, Barcelona, Transportation Research Procedia 47:291:298. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.03.101
- S. P. Duarte, M. C. Ferreira, J. Pinho de Sousa, J. Freire de Sousa and T. Galvão Dias, 2020. Improving transport service through customer participation. Virtual 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility 2020 (CSUM), Advances in Mobility as Service Systems, Greece, 17-19/05, “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-61075-3_64.
- (conference canceled) V. Santos, T. Fontes, J. Ribeiro, J. Pinho de Sousa, J. Freire de Sousa, 2020. A decision support system for collaborative management of multimodal public transport services, Transport Research Arena (TRA), 27-30/4/2020, Helsinki. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36048.05127
- (conference canceled): J. Hora, T. Galvão, A. Camanho, 2020. Estimating alighting stops and transfers from entry-only automatic fare collection: the case-study of porto. Transport Research Arena (TRA), 27-30/4/2020, Helsinki.
- (conference canceled): L. Ayres Pereira, T. Galvão Dias, 2020. The vehicle scheduling problem of electric buses. Transport Research Arena (TRA), 27-30/4/2020, Helsinki. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36276.27526
- Mota J. (2021), Validação de requisitos de um sistema de apoio à decisão para gestão intermodal de transportes públicos, (Advisor: T. Fontes, Co-advisor: T. Sobral). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Services Engineering and Management, FEUP, defence on 12/10/2021. URL:
- Francisco Murçós, 2021, Urban transport evaluation using knowledge extracted from social media, (Advisor: T. Fontes, Co-advisor: R. Rossetti). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, FEUP.
- Jorge Tavares, 2021, Detection of Transport Operations from Geolocation Data, (Advisor: J. Ribeiro, Co-advisor: T. Fontes). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, FEUP.
- Diogo Múrias, 2021, Desenho de um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão para gestão intermodal de transportes públicos, (Advisor: T. Fontes, Co-advisor: A. Lucas Soares). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Information Science, FEUP. URL:
- Joana Santos, 2021, Multicriteria evaluation as a tool for decision support in the design of sustainable routes, (Advisor: T. Fontes, Co-advisor: J. Pinho de Sousa). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, FEUP. URL:
- Rita Ferreira, 2021, Validation of transportation data graphs using Semantic Web technologies, (Advisor: T. Sobral, Co-advisor: T. Galvão). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, FEUP. URL:
- João Sousa, 2020, Especificação de requisitos de um sistema de apoio à decisão para gestão de transporte público intermodal, (Advisor: T. Fontes, Co-advisor: J. Freire de Sousa). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, FEUP, defence on 21/5/2020. URL:
- Ricardo Correia, 2020, Previsão da procura de transportes públicos tendo em conta fatores meteorológicos, (Advisor: T. Fontes, Co-advisor: J. L. Borges). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, FEUP, defence on 12/2/2020. URL:
- Marta Torgal, 2020, Exploring the Potential of DRT for Elderly Urban Mobility using Big Data, (Advisor: T. Galvão, Co-advisor: T. Fontes). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, FEUP, defence on 12/2/2020. URL:
- Sara Santos, 2019, Interactive Spider Maps for providing public transports information, (Advisor: T. Galvão, Co-advisor: T. Sobral). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, FEUP, defence on 17/7/2019. URL:
- Ana Rita Torres, 2019, Passenger-oriented visualization of urban mobility data, (Advisor: T. Galvão, Co-advisor: T. Sobral). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, FEUP, defence on 15/7/2019. URL:
- Tiago Grosso, 2019, Visualization of service reliability of public transportation, (Advisor: T. Galvão, Co-advisor: T. Sobral). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, FEUP, defence on 15/7/2019. URL:
- Maria Leonor Pereira, 2019, The Vehicle Scheduling Problem of Electric Buses, (Advisor: T. Galvão). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Mechanical Engineering, FEUP, defence on 12/7/2019. URL:
- Rafael Dias, 2019, Design of a Route Planner for Urban Public Transport, Promoting Social Inclusion, (Advisor: T. Fontes, Co-advisor: T. Galvão). Dissertation presented for obtaining the MsC degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, FEUP, defence on 11/7/2019. URL:
opti-MOVES Workshop – December 14th, 2021 (in Portuguese)
The files below are listed in accordance to the order in which they were presented.
- Poster
- Programa
- Apresentação do projeto
- Descoberta de conhecimento em dados geoespaciais de transportes públicos – Joel Ribeiro
- Sincronização de redes de transportes públicos – Joana Hora
- Definição de serviços de transportes públicos flexíveis e inclusivos – Teresa Galvão
- Utilização de redes sociais para apoio à gestão da mobilidade – Tânia Fontes
- Visualização da informação orientada ao público e ao apoio da gestão da mobilidade urbana – Thiago Sobral