
Diogo obtained his Master’s degree in Information Science at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Dissertation title: Design of a Decision Support System for intermodal management of public transport
Advisor: Tânia Fontes and Lucas Soares

Francisco is a Master’s degree student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Dissertation title: Knowledge extraction from social networks for evaluating the quality of services of transport
Advisor: Tânia Fontes and Rosaldo Rosseti

Inês is a Master’s degree student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Dissertation title: Management of logistics operations in urban environments
Advisors: Tânia Fontes and Joel Ribeiro

Joana obtained her Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Dissertation title: Multicriteria evaluation as a tool for decision support in the design of multimodal routes of public transport
Advisors: Tânia Fontes and Jorge Pinho de Sousa

João obtained his Master’s degree student in Services Engineering and Management at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Dissertation title: Desenho de um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão para gestão intermodal de transportes públicos
Advisors: Tânia Fontes

João Nuno Sousa obtined his Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with a Major in Automation, from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. He is a data-driven decision making enthusiast, making use of machine learning, artificial intelligence and data mining techniques to manipulate data in order to find answers and meaningful insights with aid of data visualization techniques using Python and its most relevant libraries. João currently works at Wiimer as a Junior Data Analyst.
Dissertation title: Especificação de requisitos de um sistema de apoio à decisão para gestão de transporte público intermodal
Advisors: Tânia Fontes and Jorge Freire de Sousa

Jorge obtained his Master’s degree student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Dissertation title: Discovery of public transport operations from geolocation data
Advisor: Joel Ribeiro and Tânia Fontes
Maria Leonor Pereira
Maria Leonor obtained her Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2019. Her dissertation aimed to apply the Vehicle Scheduling Problem to electric buses, which required new approaches in the scheduling method to adapt existing solutions to new constraints.
Dissertation title: The Vehicle Scheduling Problem of Electric Buses
Advisors: Teresa Galvão

Marta obtained her degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering in 2020. Her dissertation aimed to explore the potential of a Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) system for the elderly, to complement
the current Fixed Transport System.
Dissertation title: Exploring the Potential of DRT for Elderly Urban Mobility using Big Data
Advisors: Teresa Galvão and Tânia Fontes

Pedro obtained his Master’s degree student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Dissertation title: Desenho de um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão para gestão intermodal de transportes públicos
Advisor: Tânia Fontes and Jorge Freire de Sousa

Rafael obtained his Master’s degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering in 2019. His dissertation aimed to design a framework and a user interface for an inclusive intermodal route planner application for public transport.
Dissertation title: Design of a Route Planner for Urban Public Transport, Promoting Social Inclusion
Advisors: Tânia Fontes and Teresa Galvão Dias

Ricardo obtained his Master’s degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering in 2019. His dissertation aimed to develop a neural network model to predict and quantify the influence of weather conditions on transport demand, in particular urban public transport buses.
Dissertation title: Previsão da procura de transportes públicos tendo em conta fatores meteorológicos
Advisors: Tânia Fontes and José Luís Borges

Rita obtained her Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Dissertation title: Validation of transportation data graphs using Semantic Web Technologies
Advisor: Thiago Sobral and Teresa Galvão

Rita Torres obtained his Master’s degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering in 2019. Her dissertation focused on finding visualization methods to support relevant information retrieval by passengers to support their commuting.
Dissertation title: Passenger-oriented visualization of urban mobility data
Advisors: Teresa Galvão and Thiago Sobral

Sara obtained his Master’s degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering in 2019. Her dissertation aimed to automate the generation of spider maps, a type of schematic map that can be used by passengers to easily identify to which places they can go, from a given location of the transport network.
Dissertation title: Interactive Spider Maps for providing public transports information
Advisors: Teresa Galvão and Thiago Sobral

Tiago Grosso obtained his Master’s degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering in 2019. His dissertation aimed to find appropriate visualization methods to analyze service reliability of public transportation.
Dissertation title: Visualization of service reliability of public transportation
Advisors: Teresa Galvão and Thiago Sobral